Product-Ultrafiltration Skid For Water Treatment
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Surface and Grey Water Treatment
Due to the high cost of drinking water and the fact that water is not always available, more and more industries and municipalities use treated surface water. Normally the surface water needs to be treated before it has the required water quality. Surface water typically contains a high suspended solids content, bacteria, algae, organic matter, creating bad taste and odour. In some areas, like river estuaries, surface water can be brackish, reaching up to 8000 mg/L of salts.
Two processes are commonly used to treat surface water:
Conventional treatment including clarification (coagulation/flocculation, sedimentation or dissolved air flotation), sand filtration, activated carbon adsorption and disinfection.
Advanced treatment based on ultrafiltration technology.

Memtik-Your Trusted Partner in Ultrafilteration
We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.
Memtik MUF Series Ultrafiltration System
Memtik Water’s Ultrafiltration (UF) plants are designed to treat ground water, surface water, tertiary treated effluent, storm water or wastewater with turbidity <300 NTU. The standard treatment process includes pre-screening (bag filter or self-cleaning screen filter), outside-to-inside capillary ultrafiltration modules, automated air scouring and maintenance cleaning (MC) system, as well as a CIP system for periodic recovery cleaning (RC). The UF system can be configured as either: dead-end for lower turbidity applications, or cross-flow for higher turbidity applications.
Additional pre-filtration and post-filtration treatment steps may be added as required to suit feed water conditions and/or treated water quality requirements. The Memtik Water UF plants are available as skid mounted or containerised systems.

Memtik-Your Trusted Partner in Ultrafilteration
We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.
Memtik MUF-B Series Ultrafiltration System
The Ultrafiltration (UF-B) plants are designed to treat surface water, tertiary treated effluent, storm water and waste water to achieve potable/process water or may be used as pre-treatment to reverse osmosis. They treat a wide range of highly variable waters with <50 NTU of turbidity and <100 mg/L of suspended solids.
The standard treatment process includes optional pre filtration (500 micron screen filter), Ultrafiltration process and automatic backwashing for membrane cleaning. Additional pre or post UF treatment steps may be added to suit feed or filtered water requirements such as iron removal, pH correction or sterilisation. The MemTik UF plants are available as skid mounted units or containerised systems.

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