aerial photography of dump trucks


Membrane Systems for Mining

Water is an important resource in the mining industry. Often, mines are faced with one or more of three critical challenges:

  • Treatment of wastewater in areas with excess water

  • Supply of process and potable water in areas with a scarcity of water

  • Treatment of the wastewater resulting from mining processes, specifically to prevent or reduce Acid Mine Drainage

All mining activities use water in production processes. In some regions, mines operate in semi-arid and even desert conditions, with no direct access to water supplies. From the water for separation processes to the drinking water in the showers and canteens, different applications require different qualities and, depending on the available feedwater, different treatment methods. Mining in dry regions will prompt a strong focus on economical use and reuse, while dewatering pits in wet regions will require attention for the environment. Worldwide, the industry is adopting the use of saline or other suboptimal sources, and recycled process water.

Responsible water management has to include preventing pollution accidents caused by acid mine drainage, metal contamination, or the discharge of wastewater with high levels of solids. Responding to water issues in different circumstances, and making use of technological advances, certain risks may well be turned into opportunities for reuse, or even better water for the locals or agricultural activities.

Key Applications:

  • Remote site drinking water

  • Camp wastewater treatment

  • Resource recovery from waste stream

  • Water recycle

Some Membrane Usage Example:

  • UF – recovery of mined resources from waste streams.

  • UF – Remote site drinking water

  • MBR – Remote site WWTP

  • SWRO/BWRO – Effluent recycle

Our Capabilty & Strength

Mining & Metal

Memtik understands how important water and wastewater treatment are to mining & metal industry. From potable water at site and mining resouces recovery to reclamation and wastewater, each client has their own unique requirements. Interpreting those requirements and listening to the client's goals, creates the foundation for a successful project. Memtik has the knowledge and experience to deliver cost-effective solutions tailored to meet your satisfaction.

Using advanced water treatment technologies and related services, Memtik helps industry and manufacturers meet specific water quality requirements to ensure consistent operation and production. Memtik also helps industry comply with ever changing industrial wastewater regulations, while improving efficiency and reducing total outfall costs.

Common Applications

  • Potable Water

  • Resource recovery from waste stream

  • Recycle/Reuse

  • Rinse Water

  • Wastewater

  • Zero Liquid Discharge

Our Products and Services Include

  • Media Filtration

  • MF/UF

  • NF/RO

  • Demineralizers

  • Softeners

  • Chemical Feed Solutions

  • Disinfection Solutions

  • Process Control/Automation Solutions

  • Metal resouce recovery

  • Remote Monitoring

  • New Installations

  • Upgrades & Retrofits

  • Process Evaluation & Optimization Services

  • Preventative Maintenance

  • Aftermarket Parts

Process Water

In-Process Filtration

Wastewater Treatment

Application Case Study