The top tier value source for membrane water & wastewater Solution.

MBR Modules
Memtik offer both submerged flatesheet and hollow fiber. The key features of the product are a high flux operation, a low footprint requirement, a very simple process and a very robust material for an extended life time. Memtik use a unique diffuser system incorporated within the stainless steel cage for optimized aeration. These two technologies are suitable for municipal and industrial wastewater applications (chemical, textile, food and beverage or palm oil applications among many others).
These two technologies are acceptable for industrial, municipal wastewater and other applications such as:Food & Beverage, Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals & Refinery

SWRO System
As other sources such as rivers, lakes, wells, and springs have become more exhausted due to excessive extraction, the ocean has provided an abundant supply of available water for human use. Although ocean water consists of elevated levels of salt, SWRO filer system will ensure that all unwanted impurities found in large quantities within seawater are removed from the final product of water. For this reason, salt water purifiers have been seen as a major advantage to the water industry as a reliable purification establishment that delivers large quantities of purified water throughout different industries. Many important sectors, such as agriculture and offshore applications now depend on a seawater filter for their supply of clean water.

Our full line of BWRO Systems are available with a wide range of capacities and TDS (up to 5000 ppm). We design each of our systems to be plug-and play, with all membranes, pumps, controls, manuals, filters, operating, and piping installed and ready to go.
Brackish Water RO units are used where clean potable water is scarce. It is ideal for food and beverage industries, potable drinking water, hospitals, agriculture, hotels & resorts, water bottling & ice making, pharmaceuticals and more. No matter your water application needs, Memtik can provide industry standard or custom designed brackish water RO machines.
Core Product Offer
MBR Package Plant
Memtik offer both submerged flatesheet and hollow fiber for MBR Package plant
Our modular MBR package solutions are designed to be easy to install
The solutions are designed to grow with the customer
Making reliable and cost-effective solutions for wastewater treatment operations
The solutions scale with the customer's needs
We offer customization options for tailored systems
Our decentralized membrane bioreactor system can treat wastewater in smaller, distributed facilities
These facilities are more cost-effective and require less energy than a centralized system

PVDF Material
Permanently hydrophilic (dry storage)
Higher MLSS concentration
High & stable flux
High tensile strength
High chemical resistance
No backwash required

PVDF Material
Permanently hydrophilic (dry storage)
Reinforced hollow fibre
High & stable flux
High tensile strength
High chemical resistance
Suitable for backwash
FMBR-E100 Series
• Membrane area: 1.0m2
• Design Flux (LPD): 400~600FMBR-A80 Series
• Membrane area: 0.8m2
• Design Flux (LPD): 320~480FMBR-A150 Series
• Membrane area: 1.5m2
• Design Flux (LPD): 600~800FMBRE100/A80/A150Module
HMBR-MA10 Series
• Surface: 10m2
• Design Flux (LPD): 2,000~5,000HMBR-MB25 Series
• Surface: 25m2
• Design Flux (LPD): 5,000~12,500FMBR-MA10/MB25 Modules
The Benefit of Membrane Bioreactor MBR in Aerobic/Anaerobic Biological Process
Enhanced Treatment Efficiency:
Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs) improve the treatment efficiency of aerobic/anaerobic biological processes by providing a physical barrier that separates the biomass from the treated water, resulting in higher quality effluent.
Enhanced Treatment Efficiency:
Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs) improve the treatment efficiency of aerobic/anaerobic biological processes by providing a physical barrier that separates the biomass from the treated water, resulting in higher quality effluent.
Reduced Sludge Production:
MBR technology leads to reduced sludge production due to the retention of biomass within the system, resulting in lower disposal costs and environmental impact.