Memtik Submerged Flatsheet MBR Module
-Designed for Upgrades
The Memtik FMBR series product was designed to quickly, and significantly, increase the filtration capacity of existing plants using flat-plate technology. It is compatible with several Toray® and Kubota® products. The Memtik FMBR modules can be installed in a single-deck configuration or stacked. Equipment dimensions and operating parameters are like, and in some cases, the same as, older style plate cassettes/modules but with a packing density that is 31% to 190% higher. Simple changeouts can be done in hours having minimal impact on plant operations but having a big impact on capacity. The Memtik FMBR series product are developed together with China based membrane manufacturer with 20+ years manufacturing experience coupled with Memtik professional technical support engineer to provide high value product and solutions.
FMBR Single Deck Module
FSMBR 16 Single Deck Flat Sheet Membrane 150 Cassettes (Model No. FSMBR 16-150), FMBR PVDF Series is a high-flux Flat Sheet MBR membrane delivering excellent permeability, fouling resistance, stability, and elimination effectiveness. Structured with PVDF (permanently hydrophilic polyvinyl difluoride) has the advantage of dry storage. FMBR PVDF Series membranes can be used for a wide variety of treatment applications such as industrial and domestic wastewater.

FMBR Double Deck Module
FSMBR 16 Single Deck Flat Sheet Membrane 150 Cassettes (Model No. FSMBR 16-150), FMBR PVDF Series is a high-flux Flat Sheet MBR membrane delivering excellent permeability, fouling resistance, stability, and elimination effectiveness. Structured with PVDF (permanently hydrophilic polyvinyl difluoride) has the advantage of dry storage. FMBR PVDF Series membranes can be used for a wide variety of treatment applications such as industrial and domestic wastewater.

Municipal wastewater treatment
MBR systems were originally developed for municipal wastewater treatment applications, with a focus on water reuse and recycling. The MBR is an ideal process for treating or recycling municipal wastewater in water and space-limited locations because of its compact size, ability to produce reusable water (by retaining solids, bacteria and viruses), and trouble-free operation.
Industrial wastewater treatment
Industrial waste streams may include high organic loadings and chemical substances that are particularly difficult to handle or degrade, making biologically-stable processes like MBR more desirable. MBRs completely retain the biomass and this enables a higher biodiversity of the bacteria and protozoa population, favoring the biodegradation of recalcitrant substances (such as herbicides, pesticides, etc.).
Landfill leachate treatment
Landfill leachates usually contain high concentrations of organic and inorganic compounds. MBR systems have been successfully used in combination with additional treatment steps to remove soluble organics and for inorganics and heavy metals, such as nanofiltration and reverse osmosis processes.
Backwash water recovery and sludge thickening
Our MBR products can also be used to increase the water recovery of granular filtration or pressurized MF/UF systems. Additionally, they can be used to thicken the waste activated sludge from activated sludge WWTPs in order to reduce its disposal cost.